
Eggs and larvae produced by diploid, triploid, and tetraploid females collected from breeding ponds on Pelee Island in Lake Erie were studied to examine the reproductive mechanism. No instance of parthenogenesis was found as all examined females required sperm to produce viable progeny. Diploid females produced diploid and triploid larvae, triploid females produced triploid and tetraploid larvae, and tetraploid females produced triploid and tetraploid larvae. The majority of the eggs produced by hybrid females do not develop or do not complete embryogenesis. Electrophoretic examination of females and their offspring demonstrate that the male genome is being incorporated in reduced as well as unreduced eggs produced by all three ploidy classes of females. The elevation of ploidy among Pelee Island Ambystoma is attributed to sperm incorporation in unreduced eggs. Triploid as well as tetraploid individuals are constantly being produced. A critical examination of the literature on parthenogenetic or gynogenetic modes of reproduction in North America Ambystoma hybrids shows no conclusive evidence supporting these modes and it is suggested that the reproductive mechanism found among Pelee Island female hybrids may be more generally applied to other hybrid Ambystoma populations.

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