
The main aim of this paper is to demonstrate what role Polish business groups play at a supranational level. In Poland reliable advocacy of individual interests by Polish business groups brings negative associations, and the lobbying Polish business groups apply is perceived as an unfair way of exerting pressure on the authorities. Therefore, this paper outlines the conceptualization of the network of notions pertaining to Polish business groups. Lobbying is presented as an instrument applied by professional teams of lobbyists in lobbying campaigns aimed at exerting influence in a transparent, substantive and fair manner. The specificity of interest groups and the stages that affect the emergence of individual Polish business groups are also analyzed. The aspect of legal regulations concerning lobbying activity conducted at a national and supranational level is presented. The picture of the organizational structure, the functions business groups have in the Polish and EU law-making process are discussed as well. The paper also shows the forms of influence used by Polish business groups and exemplifies advantageous activities that contribute to the economic development of Poland.


  • Rzetelne rzecznictwo interesów polskich grup biznesowych jest form1 polegaj1c1 na prowadzeniu dialogu pomiêdzy instytucjami bior1cymi udzia3 w procesie decyzyjnym kraju, jak i na poziomie Unii Europejskiej (UE)

  • W konsekwencji nale¿y stwierdziæ, ¿e grupy interesu staj1 siê w coraz to wiêkszym stopniu aktorami europejskimi, którzy w szerokim kontekœcie maj1 wp3yw na proces decyzyjny Unii Europejskiej i tym samym odgrywaj1 kluczow1 rolê w budowie jednocz1cej siê gospodarczo i politycznie Europy

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2 dodaje, ¿e lobbing jest dzia3alnoœci1 dochodow1, któr1 prowadzi siê na rzecz trzeciej strony dzia3aj1c w ich imieniu; — Komisja Europejska – za reprezentowanie grup interesu rozumie siê dzia3ania maj1ce na celu wywarcie wp3ywu na procesy kszta3towania polityki i podejmowania decyzji przez instytucje europejskie.

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