
The aim of the research is to identify the representations of the Yemeni reality in virtual societies in the conditions of war, through interactions with viewers, icons, and positive and negative comments with static images, which were displayed through the “Create a Story” window on the researcher’s page on the social networking platform (Facebook) to be the research community and its sample. The analytical descriptive approach was used in analyzing the interactions, and the number of images reached (60) static images during the extended period (1/1 - 21/3/ 2021), each four images were distributed in each of the topics of the Yemeni reality, and the most prominent findings of the research : The images of the topics of prominent Yemeni feminist elites, Yemeni women in traditional costumes and actors are given priority by representations of the Yemeni reality, through iconic interactions, with a high rate of (32.21%), and through interaction by viewing, at a high rate of (30.20%), as these topics came In the forefront of positive representations through interaction with positive comments, and with them pictures of common folk dance topics (men, women), scholars and contemporary thinkers, poets and writers, with a percentage of (73.21%) of the high representations. It did not show any positive high representations in the images of political, economic, scientific, intellectual, literary, artistic and civilized subjects. While the results showed the predominance of medium representations, through the interaction by watching the images of the warring Yemeni political parties, the Yemeni Congregation for Reform Party topped the negative representations, through the iconic interactions, then the topics of merchants, businessmen, the legitimate authority and the followers of former President Ali Abdullah Saleh, and issues of public opinion and the destruction that He was succeeded by the war and the Houthis (Ansar Allah), with a percentage of (78.70%) of the average representation.

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