
Given a finite group scheme $\cG$ over an algebraically closed field $k$ of characteristic $\Char(k)=p>0$, we introduce new invariants for a $\cG$-module $M$ by associating certain morphisms $\deg^j_M : U_M \lra \Gr_d(M) \ \ (1\!\le\!j\!\le\! p\!-\!1)$ to $M$ that take values in Grassmannians of $M$. These maps are studied for two classes of finite algebraic groups, infinitesimal group schemes and elementary abelian group schemes. The maps associated to the so-called modules of constant $j$-rank have a well-defined degree ranging between $0$ and $j\rk^j(M)$, where $\rk^j(M)$ is the generic $j$-rank of $M$. The extreme values are attained when the module $M$ has the equal images property or the equal kernels property. We establish a formula linking the $j$-degrees of $M$ and its dual $M^\ast$. For a self-dual module $M$ of constant Jordan type this provides information concerning the indecomposable constituents of the pull-back $\alpha^\ast(M)$ of $M$ along a $p$-point $\alpha : k[X]/(X^p) \lra k\cG$.

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