
1. Notation. The object of this note is to announce some results on representations of complex semisimple Lie groups and Lie algebras. © is a semisimple Lie algebra over C, the field of complex numbers. ®, considered over i?, the field of real numbers, is denoted by ® 0. ^ is a Cartan subalgebra of ®, W, the Weyl group of (®, I)). We use the standard terminology in the theory of semisimple Lie algebras (Jacobson [3] and Harish-Chandra [2(a)], [2(b)], [2(c)]). P0 is a positive system of roots, fixed once for all and £0= {#i, • • • , ou}, the associated fundamental system, n= ]C«ep 0 ®~a; tt, considered as a Lie algebra over JR, is denoted by tio. i)o = X)« R'Ha. Fix a square root ( —1)1/2 of — 1 in C. io is a compact form of ® containing ( —1)1/2 i)0. ®o = io+i)o+tto is an Iwasawa decomposition of ®o and G = K-A+-N the corresponding decomposition of G. c(X-*Xc) is the conjugation of ® corresponding to the compact form io. Let ® denote the Lie algebra ®X® over C, and let i:X-*(X°,X)

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