
This is a brief review on the basics of recently established Dendrogramic Holographic theory (DH-theory). This is the special model of the event-universe based on the clustering transformation of experimental data into dendrogram, a finite tree which branches encoding the events. These event-branches are coupled via the hierarchic interrelation determined by the dendrogram. Such relational universe differs from the universe with space-time mathematically described by the real numbers. Dendrogram is endowed with the common root ultrametric. Finite dendrograms correspond to the epistemic level of description; in the limit we obtain an infinite tree providing the ontic description. In the simplest model, the tree is homogeneous, p-adic tree. It can be endowed with the algebraic structure of the ring of p-adic integers. Hence, DH-theory is a part (but very special) of p-adic theoretical physics. In this paper we discuss the foundations of DH-theory and its applications to quantum-classical interrelation including the novel interpretation of the violations of the CHSH-inequality, to general relativity, and to emergence of quantum mechanics from the event-picture of the universe. Since both quantum theory and general relativity can be emergent from DH-theory, creation of the latter can be viewed as a step towards unification of these two fundamental physical theories.

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