
Sir John Everett's Ophelia is a very famous painting. The object of the painting is the death of Ophelia, a character taken from Shakespeare's Hamlet. This painting has inspired many artists and filmmakers to use its visualization as inspiration. Research on the visualization of Ophelia's death has never been done, especially with the use of the tableau vivant technique in the object of research of Lars Von Trier's 2011 film Melancholia. based on this, the purpose of this study is to determine the role of the tableau vivant technique in the field of cinema. Especially its role in the representation of the painting "Ophelia" by Sir John Everett Millais by director Lars Von Trier in the scene of the 2011 film "Melancholia". Trier with his creativity uses the technique with his specialty. It is important to discuss this as a reference in making cinema works by utilizing paintings that were present before. The analysis is done with the main theory of tableau vivant so that its role as a representation technique is visible. The theory of film cinematic elements (mise en scène and cinematography) to support the main theory, describing how the elements in the film represent the painting. Data collection techniques are carried out by means of observation and literature study related to the object of the movie scene that shows the representation of painting, and the painting it represents. The results of the analysis are how the creative use of tableau vivant technique by Lars Von Trier plays a role in representing Ophelia's painting in the scene of the movie Melancholia in 2011 through its cinematic elements. With this research, filmmakers are able to make Trier's creativity using the tableau vivant technique as a reference in making movie scenes inspired by works of art.
 Keywords: Film; Lars Von Trier; Melancholia; Ophelia; Tableau Vivant

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