
Photography is a form of nonverbal communication in visual form, and an intermediary medium to interpret something, a form of expression, and to create, produce, and change meaning or reality. On this basis, this study examines the representation of President Jokowi's photographic text in online media news. The purpose in the photography represents the similarity of meaning patterns to photography in the era of President Sukarno, who always carried the ideology of marhaenism, which took the concept of creativity. Through qualitative text analysis on photography in online media, we will examine the image of the marhaenis ideology that underlies President Jokowi's populist concept. The purpose of this study is to disassemble the representation of the meaning of the ideology of marhaenism in Joko Widodo's photo in Online Media and to examine the design of an image that is full of imagery meaning in influencing choices in the presidential election that has been held and won by Jokowi. The theories used in this research are social semiotics (Theo van Leeuwen and Gunter Kress) and gestalt theory. The approach in this research is qualitative text analysis with exploratory type. The method used is the method of critical social semiotic analysis. This research data was obtained directly from the observation of the research object by downloading, observing, and analyzing photo data of Joko Widodo and Sukarno, which had visual similarities in online media. Next, the researcher observes, records the signs, analyzes, and discusses the selected photos. The results of this study indicate that Joko Widodo has since started his presidential candidacy campaign until now with the help of the success team or communication team or consistently reproduces images from Sukarno's photographs. Sukarno's picture and the concept of marhaenism have been adopted, produced, and harmonized with Joko Widodo. Joko Widodo, through his photo, managed to bring back memories of the steps of the proclaimer of the Republic of Indonesia Sukarno and the ideology of marhaenism he created.

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