
The spatial variability of landscape features such as topography, soils and vegetation defines the spatial pattern of hydrological state variables like soil moisture. Spatial variability thereby controls the functional behaviour of the landscape in terms of its runoff response. A consequence of spatial variability is that exchange processes between landscape patches can occur at various spatial scales ranging from the plot to the basin scale. In semi-arid areas, the lateral redistribution of surface runoff between adjacent landscape patches is an important process. For applications to large river basins of 10 4–10 5 km 2 in size, a multi-scale landscape discretization scheme is presented in this paper. The landscape is sub-divided into modelling units within a hierarchy of spatial scale levels. By delineating areas characterized by a typical toposequence, organised and random variability of landscape characteristics is captured in the model. Using runoff–runon relationships with transition frequencies based on areal fractions of modelling units, lateral surface and subsurface water fluxes between modelling units at the hillslope scale are represented. Thus, the new approach allows for a manageable description of interactions between fine-scale landscape features for inclusion in coarse-scale models. Model applications for the State of Ceará (148,000 km 2) in the north-east of Brazil demonstrate the importance of taking into account landscape variability and interactions between landscape patches in a semi-arid environment. Using mean landscape characteristics leads to a considerable underestimation of infiltration-excess surface runoff and total simulated runoff. Re-infiltration of surface runoff and lateral redistribution processes between landscape patches cause a reduction of runoff volumes at the basin scale and contribute to the amplification of variations in runoff volumes relative to variations in rainfall volumes for semi-arid areas.

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