
AbstractKauman Settlement in Yogyakarta, Indonesia is an urban village settlement located inside the complex of Kraton Yogyakarta (Palace of Yogyakarta). At first, the settlement was a facility provided by Sultan Hamengku Buwono for the abdi dalem (employees) of Masjid Gedhe (Great Mosque of the Palace of Yogyakarta). Social, political and cultural changes have occurred for approximately three centuries, from the Dutch Colonialism era up to now. These changes have both physical and non-physical effects to lives of the people and the shape of the settlement. Physically, the building designs have become more heterogenous, albeit without neglecting the basic concept of Javanese traditional architecture. The process of building and developing the settlement is supported by Javanese cultural values devoutly practiced by the settlers. The Javanese tradition does not fade out even though other cultures have interfered and influenced the traditional culture. In order to understand how the people of Kauman Yogyakarta shape their settlement in relation to the traditional Javanese values they are practicing, observation of literature, collection of field data and interviews for the purposes of analysis are conducted. Kauman Yogyakarta today is a settlement with a distinctive feature, a place of traditional Javanese culture amidst the business center of modern Yogyakarta.

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