
This article reports on the results of research on the representation of gender equality in advertising 
 and the meaning that is built around Andalan family planning pill products. The advertisement 
 in question is the Kitchen Version of the aforementioned pill products on the television, examined 
 and discussed using Roland Barthes’s semiotic analysis method. An interview with the Creative 
 Director of the advertisement also contributes to the findings of this research. The results of the 
 study illustrate that gender equality in a family is represented by the participation of the husband 
 in various activities in the kitchen with his wife, the division of domestic work, and a dialogue that 
 gives women the agency to make the decision to postpone pregnancy. The myth of the kitchen as 
 an arena for women’s work has shifted to that in which even men can take part. The representation 
 of gender equality and the depiction of a harmonious atmosphere between husband and wife as 
 a happy family imply the association of birth control products to the provision of happiness with 
 the increasingly equal role of women
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