
LetX be a projective scheme over a noetherian base schemeS, and letF be a coherent sheaf onX. For any coherent sheaf e onX, consider the set-valued contravariant functor Hom(e,F)S-schemes, defined by Hom(e,F) (T)= Hom(e T ,F T) where e T andF T are the pull-backs of e andF toX T =X x S T. A basic result of Grothendieck ([EGA], III 7.7.8, 7.7.9) says that ifF is flat over S then Kome,F) is representable for all e. We prove the converse of the above, in fact, we show that ifL is a relatively ample line bundle onX over S such that the functor Hom(L -n ,F) is representable for infinitely many positive integersn, thenF is flat overS. As a corollary, takingX =S, it follows that ifF is a coherent sheaf on S then the functorT ↦H°(T, F t) on the category ofS-schemes is representable if and only ifF is locally free onS. This answers a question posed by Angelo Vistoli. The techniques we use involve the proof of flattening stratification, together with the methods used in proving the author’s earlier result (see [N1]) that the automorphism group functor of a coherent sheaf onS is representable if and only if the sheaf is locally free.

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