
Background: Infectious coryza is a bacterial disease caused by Avibacterium paragallinarum which causes acute respiratory disease in chickens but it is also reported in Indian peafowls. Although this is a treatable condition in peafowls but need to diagnose and treat as earliest possible to save peafowls. The aim is to present reported cases of infectious coryza in peafowls. Methods: From 2017 to 2020 total seven cases of peafowls showing symptoms of swollen eyes, sticky discharge from eyes and nostrils, closed eye lids due to swelling, purulent discharge from eyes and caseous masses were also observed while pressing of swelling over eyes were reported from different part of Solapur district. Gasping was common symptom observed in all the peafowls. All the cases were confirmed as infectious coryza on the basis of symptoms, though the ocular and nasal swabs were submitted for bacterial isolation to the laboratory. All peafowls were treated by using parenteral antibiotic injection Gentamicin @ 4.4 mg/kg of body weight and non-steroidal anti inflammatory drugs (NSAID) injection Meloxicam @ 0.2 mg/kg of body weight and cleaning of eyes with distilled water and instillation of gentamicin and diclofenac eye drops, oral administration of multivitamins and energy drinks Result: Out of seven cases, 6 were female and 1 was male peafowl. Recovery rate was 85.71% and all recovered peafowl were released back in the nature. Recovery was depending on severity of symptoms and all six birds recovered within one to three weeks’ time.

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