
The 2022 Workshop on Reducing Online Misinformation through Credible Information Retrieval (ROMCIR 2022), at its Second Edition as part of the Satellite Events of the 44th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2022), was concerned with providing users with access to genuine information, to mitigate the information disorder phenomenon characterizing the current online environment. This problem is very broad, as it concerns distinct information objects (e.g., Web pages, online accounts, social media posts, etc.) on different platforms, and several domains and purposes (e.g., detecting fake news, retrieving genuine health-related information, reducing propaganda and hate-speech, etc.). In this context, all those approaches that can serve, from multiple perspectives, to tackle the genuine information access problem, found their place. In particular, this year articles have been submitted that addressed the problem of preventing access to health misinformation and assessing the genuineness of multi-modal information. Date: 10 April, 2022. Website: https://romcir2022.disco.unimib.it/.

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