
This is the 56th annual report of the British Trust for Ornithology's Ringing Scheme. The total number of birds ringed in 1992 (783, 842) was 0.4% lower than in 1991 and lower than in any year since 1982. Breeding populations of many species remained at a low level. The number of recoveries (12,200) was also low, indicative of mild weather conditions through the year. The previous report contained five‐yearly summaries so the current one concentrates solely on the data acquired during 1992. Data were provided by 122 Constant Effort Sites in 1992. Forty‐three papers wholly or partly based on ringing were published during the year. Staff research effort during the year was particularly concerned with further development of the Integrated Population Monitoring Programme. The age‐specific totals lists, completed by ringers since 1985, were used to estimate first‐year and adult survival rates for 16 species. Other research included a study of the reporting probability of ringed birds and further work on the cold weather mortality of waders on the Wash during February 1991. Mass‐participation ringing in Senegal, in both spring and autumn, has resulted in further controls of BTO‐ringed birds there and the report contains data on birds ringed in Senegal and reported in Britain and Ireland.

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