
Cambarincola macrocephela n. sp. (Figs. 1 and 2) Description: Cambarincola: Worm cylindrical, head large, expanded so that it is distinctly wider than anterior body segments. Head separated by deep constriction from Segment I. Dorsal lip with four finger-like projections, ventral lip entire. Body segments increasing in width from I to VII, posteriorly decreasing to the terminal sucker. Major annulations of body segments not elevated over minor annulations. Ventral and dorsal jaws similar, appearing as large triangular blocks of chitin terminating in sharp tooth. Without lateral teeth but margin uneven. Width of jaws at base 400 ,R. Pharyngeal diverticula four, two dorsal and two ventral. Alimentary canal in medial portion straight, with large sacculation in segments II and III and small sacculations in segments IV, V, VI and VII. Posterior to segment VII, narrows rapidly to anus in dorsal portion of segment X. Testes in pairs in segments V and VI. Vasa deferentia joining atrium in VI; with accessory sperm tube. Ovaries in segment VII. Length of mature worm 2.0 to 4.0 mm. Locality: Polecat Creek, Northern Teton County, Wyoming, August 16, 1941. Coll. Robert C. Brown. Host: Astacus gambellii. Holotype specimen: U. S. Nat. Mus. Coll. No. 20598.

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