
The effect of single delta;sleep inducing peptide (DSIP- 60 μg/kg body weight) administration on the parameters of rat brain metabolism under the conditions of chronic amphetamine (2.5 mg/kg body weight, 21 days) or Madopar-125 in a dose corresponding to 50 mg L;DOPA/kg body weight (30 days) was investigated. The neurotransmitter systems were evaluated based on the content of biogenic amines, their metabolites, and activity of neurotransmitter-catabolising enzymes: serotoninergic system was characterized by MAO A activity, serotonin (5’-OT) and 5’-hydroxyindolil acetic acid (5’-HIAA) content, and dopaminergic system by MAO B activity, dopamine (DA), noradrenalin (NA), and homovanilliс acid (HVA) content in the cortex and caudate nucleus of control and experimental rats. The changes in neurotransmitter metabolism parameters induced by DA-activating substances had certain specificity. Characteristics of the corrective effect of DSIP under the conditions of amphetamine or L;DOPA action were demonstrated depending on the type of a pharmacologic agent or brain structures. It is proposed that DSIP effect in vivo is based on the activation of serotonergic system and normalizes brain metabolism, which leads to adaptive behavior of animals. A possibility of using DSIP, by analogy with a drug Deltaran, for the treatment of depressions of various origin, cerebral ischemia, etc. is discussed.

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