
The Task Force on Collision Hall Limitations met March 23--26, 1987, to obtain a greater understanding of the civil construction requirements for a large scale model SSC detector and to identify limitations, if any, on overall detector scale and individual detector components that may result from civil construction limitations. To this purpose the Task Force studied civil construction techniques and limitations for both deep sites and surface or near surface sites, developed limits and criteria for model detector assembly and servicing, developed a model detector assembly scenario, and estimated an overall schedule from initiation of the design of the experimental hall complex to the completion of the assembly of the model detector. Our conclusions apply only to facilities required to house experiments of the scale of the model detector studied. From our studies it is apparent that the experimental hall complex required for SSC-scale detectors can be constructed under a variety of assumptions regarding the eventual SSC site. There may be significant differences in the schedule and the cost of the experimental hall complex between surface and deep underground locations, with the deep underground, in general, being more expensive and requiring a longer time for construction. The difference in cost and schedule for the experimental facilities for housing the model detector between a surface site and a deep underground site may amount to $25M and two years.

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