
SummaryThe following ten generic names are recommended for conservation: Brachypterum against Solori, Casearia against Laetia and Samyda, Cathaya Chen & Kuang against Cathaya Karav., Forsteronia with a conserved type, Iochroma against Acnistus and Pederlea, Miconia againstMaieta and Tococa, Pinochia, Scytophyllum Bernem. against Scytophyllum Eckl. & Zeyh., SeleniaNutt. against Selenia Hill, and Stellaria with a conserved type. The nothogeneric name ×Brassolaeliocattleya is recommended for conservation with that spelling and against ×Brasso-catt-laeliaand ×Laelia-brasso-cattleya. The nothogeneric name ×Laburnocytisusis recommended for rejection. The generic name Trisetum is not recommended to be conserved against Trisetaria. The following 13 species names are recommended for conservation: Acalypha brasiliensis against A. subsana, Acalypha communis against A. hirsuta, Andropogon caricosus with a conserved type, Astragalus membranaceus Fisch. ex Bunge against A. membranaceus Moench, Carex rostrata against C. inflata and with a conserved type, Chalcas paniculata with a conserved type, Drynaria fortunei with a conserved type, Hymenaea stigonocarpa with a conserved type, Malus domestica against M. pumila and six other synonyms (contradicting a previously published recommendation), Myriophyllum spicatum with a conserved type, Odontarrhena obovata against O. microphylla, Selinum microphyllum with a conserved type, and Sobralia infundibuligera against S. aurantiaca. The following three species names are not recommended for conservation: Dalbergia polyphylla Benth. against D. polyphylla Poir., Drosera ×belezeana with a conserved type, and Macroclinidium trilobum with that spelling. The following eight species names are recommended for rejection: Aloe obscura, Aloe picta, Aristolochia cordata, Cereus cubensis, Cereus subrepandus, Chenopodium caudatum, Corylus virginiana, and Crocuspurpureus. The species name Aloe perfoliata is not recommended for rejection. The varietal name Aloe perfoliata var. saponaria is recommended for rejection. It is recommended that the conserved author, place and date of publication of Actinidiaceae, Lardizabalaceae, Melanthiaceae, and Primulaceae, and the conserved place and date of Eucommiaceae, be changed. It is recommended that Andinia and Andina be treated as homonyms. It is not recommended that Huperzia rubricaulis and H. rubicaulis, Pittosporum napaulense and P. napaliense, or Senecio petasioides and S. petasitoides, be treated as homonyms. It is recommended that “Euonymus bullatus Wall. ex G. Lodd.” and “Thea piquetiana Laness.” be treated as not validly published. It is recommended that Der sichere Führer in der Obstkunde, Miller’s Gardeners Dictionary abridged edition 4 [species and infraspecific taxa], and Glaziou’s Plantae Brasiliae centralis a Glaziou lectae be added to the list of “Suppressed Works”. After two ballots, no vote of at least eleven either for or against has been obtained for proposals to reject Alyssum hyperboreum or Pteris semipinnata or to conserve Rhaponticoides against Bielzia, Rhaponticum with a conserved type, Aloe parvibracteata against A. monteiroae, Dyschoriste humilis with a conserved type, Pteris semipinnata with a conserved type, or Salvia cruikshanksii with that spelling, or for requests to determine whether the descriptive texts of “Erica longipedunculata G. Lodd.”, “Goodyera tesselata G. Lodd.”, “Pittosporum angustifolium G. Lodd.”, or “Tillandsia amoena G. Lodd.” were adequate for valid publication.

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