
AbstractThe following nine generic names are recommended for conservation: Crataegus against Mespilus; Dasymaschalon against Pelticalyx; Eubotrys Nutt. against Eubotrys Raf.; Goniothalamus against Richella; Heteromeles to make legitimate; Mallotus against Trevia; Photinia with conserved type; Planchonella additionally against Iteiluma and Peuciluma; and Teesdalia to make legitimate. The following 13 specific names are also recommended for conservation: Acacia goetzei against A. andongensis; Achillea pannonica against A. seidlii; Alstroemeria presliana with conserved type; Dodecatheon jeffreyi against D. jeffreyanum; Echium laevigatum with conserved type; Eucalyptus camaldulensis with conserved type; Malus toringoides against Pyrus bhutanica; Potentilla bipinnatifida against P. normalis and P. missourica; and P. stolonifera against P. sprengeliana; Prunus serotina with conserved type.; Rosa virginiana Mill. against R. virginiana Herrm.; Sedum rupestre with conserved type; and Sisyrinchium bermudiana with conserved type. The following two names are not recommended for conservation: Acacia willardiana against Prosopis heterophylla; and Astrocaryum aculeatum with conserved type. The following 17 specific names are recommended for rejection under Art. 56: Alstroemeria albiflora; Amaryllis africana; Cephalanthera oregana; Colchicum tenorei and C. todaroi; Dodecatheon meadia var. puberulum; Epidendrum caninum; and E. trilabiatum Vell.; Festuca pannonica; Ficus taab; Fritillaria alba; and F. racemosa; Koeleria nitida; Orchis montana; Ornithogalum flavum; Potentilla dissecta and P. retusa. The following two names are not recommended for rejection under Art. 56: Acer pictum; and Aster bracteolatus. The following work is recommended to be added to App. VI (Opera utique oppressa): J. de A. Pinto da Silva, Diccionario de Botanica Brasilieira, 1873. As a result of reference under Art. 53.5, it is recommended that the following three pairs of names be treated as homonyms: Gymnoleima Decne. and Gymnolaema Benth. & Hook. f.; Calea L. and Calia Terán & Berlandier; and Fimbristylis breviculmis Boeck. and F. breviculma Govind. As a result of reference under Art. 32.4, it is recommended that Dipteryx oleifera Benth. be treated as validly published and that Cusparia Humboldt be treated as not validly published.

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