
This report is a compilation of activity and statistics for the American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education for 2014 (Volume 78). The Journal is published in electronic, open access format and housed at www.ajpe.org. A print edition of the entire volume was produced and will be sent to all American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) member institutions and paid subscribers. One hundred thirty-four peer-reviewed manuscripts were published in 10 issues of volume 78, including a theme issue on Faculty Development. Viewpoints, Addresses, Reports, and other material (Table 1) were also published. In 2014, 544 manuscripts were submitted to the Journal. Of these, 32% were accepted for publication. Five hundred thirteen individuals served as manuscript reviewers in 2014. Table 1. Journal Activity in 2014 (Volume 78) 2014 was a year of great transition for the Journal. Dr. Joseph T. DiPiro of South Carolina College of Pharmacy passed the torch to Dr. Gayle Brazeau of the University of New England, who became the new Editor in May. The Journal office moved locations shortly after the Annual Meeting to its new home in the offices of AACP in Alexandria, VA. With this transition came staff changes, as long-time Senior Assistant Editor Karen Shipp and Assistant Editor Paula Markevicz parted ways with the Journal and Amanda Thomason came on as Editorial Manager. In addition, AACP’s Senior Director of Academic Affairs Dr. Cecilia Plaza became the staff liaison for the Journal. The editorial team underwent changes as well. Dr. Adam Persky of University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill joined Drs. Frank Romanelli and Claire Anderson as Associate Editors, and Dr. Jack Fincham concluded his service as Associate Editor for the Journal. The Journal welcomed one new Editorial Board member in 2014 for a 3-year term: Lauren Schlesselman (University of Connecticut). Reappointments to the Board were Eric Boyce (University of the Pacific), Susan Burton (Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University), Stuart Haines (University of Maryland), Deborah Harper-Brown (Chicago State University), Mohamed Azmi Ahmad Hassali (University Sains Maylasia), Jennifer Marriott (Monash University), and Anna Ratka (Chicago State University), all for 3-year terms. Each year, the best paper published in the Journal is recognized with the Rufus A. Lyman Award. The winner is selected based on utility and significance to pharmacy education, originality, research methodology, and writing style. The Lyman Award Committee, which is appointed by the AACP President and chaired by the Journal Editor, selects the top paper. Ten papers from volume 78 were nominated for the Lyman Award and the award winning article was “Is a Pharmacy Student the Customer or the Product?” by David A. Holdford, PhD, of Virginia Commonwealth University. The Editor is indebted to the Associate Editors, Editorial Board Members, manuscript reviewers, and the AACP Board of Directors and staff for their continued efforts and support. The success of the Journal is dependent on the diligent and dedicated efforts of these individuals.

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