
Vol. XXXVII, No. 1 101 department. The Geography Department grew slowly and deliberately at first and then, having established the foundations for a strong research and teaching program , expanded rapidly. Twenty years after its founding, the faculty numbered 15, and James S. Fisher, a future Head of the Department of Geography, was awarded the department's second Ph.D. Merle served as Head from his initial appointment in 1946 until 1969 and then as Alumni Foundation Distinguished Professor ofGeography until his untimely death in 1 982. The first M.A. was awarded in 1951 and by 1 956- 1 957 six M.A. students were enrolled, including Howard A. Schretter, who was to join the faculty in 1962 and remains on the faculty today. Graduate enrollment increased rapidly, reaching 17 in 1960-1961 and 41 in 19661967 . In 1973-1974, a total of 62 graduate students were enrolled, and currently ( 1 996- 1 997) graduate students number 8 1 . That little candle that was lit in March of 1946 now throws its beam, not just across the Southeast or throughout North America, but truly around our whole grand globe. The profession of geography has been brightened and made richer by the many students, faculty, and staffwho have formed the University's Department of Geography for the past half century. Southeastern Geographer Vol. XXXVU, No. 1, May 1997, pp. 101-105 REPORT OF THE HONORS COMMITTEE John T. Morgan Criteria for the special awards presented by the Honors Committee can be found on pages 109-1 10 of this issue. LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD Morton D. Winsberg Florida State University The 1996 Honors Committee of the Southeastern Division of the Association of American Geographers takes pride in presenting the Lifetime Achievement Dr. Morgan is Associate Professor ofGeography at Emory and Henry College, Emory, VA 24327-0947. 102Southeastern Geographer Award to Professor Morton D. Winsberg. During a 35-year career at Florida State University, Professor Winsberg has been an outstanding teacher-scholar and he has provided valuable service to the profession and to his university. Mort Winsberg's research accomplishments include six books, four book chapters, and nearly 50 articles in refereed journals. His works have appeared in national and regional geography journals, but he has also published widely in respected outside journals such as Agricultural History and the American Journal ofEconomics and Sociology. Mort's research interests are quite varied, but the themes and places that recur most often in his works are ethnicity, migration, agriculture , Latin America, and Florida. A new research focus on the geography of crime has produced several recent publications that have been well received and widely cited. Professor Winsberg's many service activities in geography include Book Review Editor, Professional Geographer (1972-1978); Nomination Committee, SEDAAG (1972-1974, 1985); Editorial Committee, Southeastern Geographer (1988-1 992); Program Chair, Annual Meeting ofAssociation ofAmerican Geographers , Miami (1991); organizer of field trip to Cuba, AAG Annual Meeting (1991); President, Florida Society of Geographers (1982; 1995-1996); and Editor , Florida Geographer (1996-). He also has taken an active interest in improving the status of geographic education in Florida's schools, and to that end has published a textbook, Florida 's History Through Places, and written several manuals for teaching the state's history and geography. Mort Winsberg must be considered a world ambassador for geography because he has traveled, studied, or taught in more than 40 countries. He has been honored as a Fulbright Scholar on four occasions and has served as a Senior Lecturer in several countries. Professor Winsberg has announced that he will retire from full-time teaching at the end of spring semester 1997. It is therefore most fitting that we recognize his accomplishments by bestowing on him the Lifetime Achievement Award. OUTSTANDING SERVICE AWARD Jesse O. McKee University of Southern Mississippi The 1996 Honors Committee of the Southeastern Division of the Association of American Geographers is proud to present an Outstanding Service Award to Professor Jesse O. McKee. Jess has distinguished himself through service to geography in the Southeast for more than 30 years, all ofwhich he has spent teaching at the University of Southern Mississippi in Hattiesburg. Professor McKee has played a major role in the...

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