
The members of the Permanent Research Committee on Absorption and Transpiration are:Charles H. Lee, Chairman—58 Sutter Street, San Francisco, California.Harry F. Blaney—600 Federal Building, Los Angeles, California.Lynn Crandall—United States Geological Survey, Idaho Falls, Idaho.S. T. Harding—12 Engineering Building, Berkeley, California.Charles R. Hursh—Appalachian Forest Experiment Station, Ashevilie, North Carolina.Burton E. Livingston—Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland.W. C. Lowdermilk—Soil Erosion Service, Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C.G. E. P. Smith—University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona.J. E. Weaver—University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NebraskaW. N. White—United States Geological Survey, Washington, D.C.The one definite accomplishment of the Committee during the past year has been the completion of a tentative list of definitions of terms pertaining to absorption and transpiration. The preparation of this list was commenced soon after the organization of the Committee, and it represents the results of several years work in which all members of the Committee participated. In view of the fact that it has not been reviewed in its final form by all members of the Committee, the list is presented tentatively in attached Appendix A, subject to modification after further comments have been received. Discussion by those who are not members of the Committee will be especially welcome. The tentative list of definitions is presented as a part of the Committee's report.

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