
The Committee appointed to make arrangements for the execution of a longitudinal Section of the Yorkshire coal strata, beg to present the following Report of their proceedings:— It will be recollected that the original proposal for a section of this magnitude emanated from the Council of the Manchester Geological Society, who were anxious to compare the stratification of their own coal field with that of Yorkshire, by means of a continuous section across both. This important suggestion was referred to the consideration of your Committee, and at the Society’s meeting, held in December last, at Leeds, a line of section was defined which commenced at the Sheffield and Manchester Railway tunnel, near Penistone, and traversed the coal field in a North-Easterly direction towards Goole; and in order that a strict comparison of the Yorkshire and Lancashire strata might be instituted, it was thought that the section to be undertaken by the Manchester Society should commence at the same point, and proceed Westward. It afterwards appeared, however, that a line of section down the valley of the Etherow would not fully develope the Lancashire coal field; and at the same time, it was considered that a North-Easterly line from Penistone would not exhibit the Yorkshire strata so completely as a line of section taken in another locality. It became a matter of considerable doubt, therefore, whether any continuous line of section could be adopted, proceeding Eastward and Westward from the Penine chain, which should at once be the means of comparing ...

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