
Bulletin No. 4 of the Section of Terrestrial Magnetism and Electricity of the International Geodetic and Geophysical Union, consisting of ten pages and devoted to a General Report of the Madrid Meeting of the Section, was issued last December, by the writer, who was re‐elected Secretary and Director of the Central Bureau of the International Section for the period 1924–1930. As a copy of this Bulletin has already been sent to each member of the American Section, it will not be necessary to go into further detail here.It will be of interest, however, to report that arrangements are already under way towards putting into effect some of the twenty‐two resolutions which were passed at the Madrid meeting. Thus, word has been received from Dr. D. la Cour, director of the Danish Meteorological Institute, that, in accordance with Resolution No. 8, a permanent observatory will be established this coming summer at Godhavn, just south of Disco, on the west coast of Greenland. There are also indications that, following Resolution No. 10, the Canadian Government before long will fully equip the Meanook Magnetic Observatory; at the present time only photographic records of the variations of the magnetic declination are being obtained at this observatory, nearest of any to the North Magnetic Pole.

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