
Although the field of activity assigned to the Committee on Dynamics of Streams has been confined largely to potomology, the work: is so broad in scope that the activities of many other committees in the fields of hydraulics and geophysics border closely on those of this Committee. Much interest has developed in stream‐dynamics and related fields since the time of the original formation of the Committee on Dynamics of Streams in the spring of 1932.In presenting its annual reports this Committee has followed the custom of presenting a fairly comprehensive review of the literature pertaining to stream‐dynamics in alternate years, although it is not intended that this precedent should be closely adhered to. It happens that at this Convention reports are being presented of other committees whose activities largely come within the scope of or are closely related to those of the Committee on Dynamics of Streams. These include particularly the report of the Special Committee on Flood‐Waves, the report of the Advisory Committee on Soil‐Conservation Research, and the progress‐report of the National Research Council's Interdivisional Committee on Density‐Currents. These three investigational groups are confining their attention to more narrowly defined fields. They have shown evidence of considerable progress and have stimulated a great amount of interest in their respective fields.

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