
A workshop on Innovative Concepts for Alternative Migration Policies was held in Vienna on 24–25 March 2006. Co-sponsored by the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) in Vienna and the EU Network of Excellence on Immigration, Integration and Social Cohesion in Europe (IMISCOE), the workshop brought together 24 participants from academia, think-tanks, international organisations and national administrations. A total of 11 innovative concepts for migration policy were presented and discussed in a highly stimulating and constructive atmosphere. The workshop resulted in the production of a Policy Brief, a full Conference Report and a comprehensive Conference Volume.1 As both the topic and the open bottom-up approach to generate new ideas for innovative migration policies have drawn much interest from researchers and policy-makers alike, further follow-up activities are already planned.2 This brief report is limited to a presentation of the main ideas and themes of the workshop.

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