
<p>ILEWG has been organising since 1994 ICEUM International Conferences on Exploration & Utilisation of the Moon with published proceedings, and where community declarations have been prepared and endorsed by community participants. ILEWG has co-organised and co-sponsored lunar sessions at EGU, COSPAR, EPSC.</p><p>ILEWG task groups include science, technology, human aspects, socio-economics, young explorers and outreach, programmatics, roadmaps and synergies with Mars exploration, MoonBase, MoonVillage, EuroMoonMars, ArtMoonMars, Young Lunar Explorers, ILEWG Young Professional Grantees.  ILEWG has also sponsored a number of activities, workshops, tasks groups and publications in collaborations with other organisations: COSPAR, space agencies, IAA, IAF, EGU</p><p>Besides the discussion forums, users can also obtain information on how to participate, as well as details on the latest news and events regarding lunar exploration, forthcoming meetings, relevant reports and documents of importance for the work of the ILEWG, summary descriptions of recent and future  lunar exploration projects (such as SMART-1, Chang'E1-5 , Selene Kaguya, Chandrayaan-1-2, LRO, LCROSS), GRAIL, ARTEMIS, international lunar exploration projects) funded by various space agencies, and basic data on the Moon itself. Activities of the related space agencies and organizations can also be found. The ILEWG Forum also hosts the Lunar Explorer's Society. http://www.lunarexplorers.net/</p><p>The International Lunar Exploration Working Group (ILEWG) is a public forum sponsored by the world's space agencies to support "international cooperation towards a world strategy for the exploration and utilization of the Moon - our natural satellite" (International Lunar Workshop, Beatenberg (CH), June 1994). The Forum is intended to serve three relevant groups:</p><ul><li>Actual members of the ILEWG, i.e. delegates and representatives of the participating Space Agencies and organizations - allowing them to discuss and possibly harmonize their draft concepts and plans in the spirit of the Beatenberg Declaration (see below).</li> <li>Team members of the relevant space projects - allowing them to coordinate their internal work according to the guidelines provided by the ILEWG Charter (see below).</li> <li>Members of the general public and of the Lunar Explorer's Society who are interested and wish to be informed on the progress of the Moon projects and possibly contribute their own ideas.</li> </ul><p>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Lunar_Exploration_Working_Group</p><p>https://moonbasealliance.com/ilewg</p><p>ILEWG ICEUM declarations (International Conference on Exploration & Utilisation of the Moon) :</p><p>https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/search/q=ilewg%20declarations&sort=date%20desc%2C%20bibcode%20desc&p_=0</p><p>COSPAR ICEUM13: Pasadena Lunar Declaration 2018 https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EPSC-DPS2019/EPSC-DPS2019-874-1.pdf</p><p>Report from ILEWG and Cape Canaveral Lunar Declaration 2008 https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2009/EGU2009-13223.pdf</p>

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