
Fugenschuh et al. (2011) question several aspects of our paper (Rosenberg and Garcia 2011) on the estimate of extension along the Brenner Fault (BF). First, they emphasize the necessity of a two-phase extensional model to understand exhumation of the footwall of the BF; second, they claim that the vertical offsets and extensional displacement calculated by Rosenberg and Garcia (2011) only refer to the brittle phase of the BF; third, they follow the new interpretations of Tochterle et al. (2011), inferring that the continuation of the Brenner ductile mylonites is located along the north-western border of the Tauern Window (TW); fourth, they present a new estimate of extension and of exhumation by folding and erosion based on the quantification of tectonic omissions. We discuss and reply to these four issues below.

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