
We greatly thank Zhang et al. (2008-this issue) for their comments on our recent paper (Zhang et al., 2007) regarding the tectonic setting of the Indosinian granitoids in the Songpan–Garze fold belt, as it gives us an opportunity to further clarify our viewpoints. The discrepancy between Zhang et al. (2008-this issue) and Zhang et al., 2007 H.-F. Zhang, R. Parrish, L. Zhang, W.-C. Xu, H.-L. Yuan, S. Gao and Q.-G. Crowley, A-type granite and adakitic magmatism association in Songpan–Garze fold belt, eastern Tibetan Plateau: implication for lithospheric delamination, Lithos 97 (2007), pp. 323–335. Article | PDF (1219 K) | View Record in Scopus | Cited By in Scopus (7)Zhang et al. (2007) is focused on the interpretation of the tectonic setting of the Indosinian A-type granite (211 ± 1 Ma) and adakitic magmatism (216–221 Ma) in the Songpan–Garze fold belt. We emphasize that these magmatic rocks formed in post-collisional tectonic setting, while Zhang et al. (2008-this issue) suggest that they were related to the northward subduction of the Jinsajian Tethys.

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