
A dam Tebble is worried about the realm of political theory. Order can be restored to this realm only if one theory rules, which all correct principles and practices derive. For some time, now, however, two theories, liberalism and communitarianism, have been battling for dominion. Iris Young has charged in, aiming to send both toppling down the hill and plant the flag of the politics of difference. Young's campaign is doomed, however, because liberalism and communitarianism are the only real contenders. Indeed, she herself is riding a pantomime horse, with wobbly communitarian legs in front and sturdy liberal legs in the rear. No wonder her theory cannot command the field since her steed is fighting within itself and won't go in just one direction. Better then to expose the masquerade and let the liberal philosopher hunched inside stand straight up and assume his rightful place as king of the mountain. Perhaps because Tebble and I have very different ideas about the purposes and methods of political theory, I cannot recognize myself in his story. Tebble finds one project for political theory, namely, philosophical project of offering an account of the justification of public principles of justice ... and the politics thatflowsfrom them (p. 277, italics mine). The political philosophy that deserves our respect demonstrates its timeless truth, and those who know it are entitled, even obliged, to tell their fellows how they should govern their relationships. While such a mission for political theory has a venerable pedigree, I cannot endorse it. For me, politics does not flow from the philosopher's pen; politics is indeed given, and the philosopher can use her blunt tools to try to contribute to a more just outcome of its movements and conflicts. In my work, I try to follow what I take to be the spirit of critical theory: to reflect within the political debates of a particular socio-historical context, try to clarify their terms, construct a coherent logic of the relations among its concepts, identify the positions that might further the cause of justice if widely accepted, and offer social theoretical support and normative justification for

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