
The definition of ff is exactly the same as that • derived by Kanury [3]. Our paper [2] shows that the relative r h i d e a l values for a limited number of samples agree very well with relative values of In (1 + if) measured by Kanury in pressure vessel (1) experiments [3]. Our rhideal values also appear to show correlations with full-scale fire test classifications [2]. In addition, our derived Lg values agree very well with values measured by an independent technique of differential scanning calorimetry [2]. Our derived value for the heat flux from the flame to the surface for the (2) combustion of PMMA in normal air at the 'ideal' condition is 4.27 W/cm 2 [2]. Orloff et al. [4] have measured a value of 4.21 W/cm 2 for the heat flux from the flame to the surface for a 5 cm thick PMMA slab burning vertically at a height of 3.56 m. Although we are continuing to study the physical significance of the 'ideal' condition, at

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