
[1] Smerdon et al. [2008] correctly conclude that the initial regridding method used by Mann et al. [2007] (hereafter M07) to map ECHO-g output to the resolution of surface observation data resulted in enhanced variability of the Northern Hemisphere (NH) mean series compared to the original model output (Figure 1a of Smerdon et al. [2008]). They also correctly conclude that the gridding method has no effect whatsoever on the conclusions of M07 because those conclusions were primarily based on results using the CSM model, and because the ECHO-g Figure 1. Results of experiments ‘‘y’’ (red line) and ‘‘z’’ (blue line) (a) from M07 and (b) using the regridding method described here. The use of the alternative regridding method does not change the results and conclusion of M07. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 113, D18107, doi:10.1029/2008JD009964, 2008 Click Here for Full Article

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