
<strong class="journal-contentHeaderColor">Abstract.</strong> Climate and fuel availability jointly control the incidence of wildfires. The effects of atmospheric CO<sub>2</sub> on plant growth influence fuel availability independently of climate; but the relative importance of each in driving large-scale changes in wildfire regimes cannot easily be quantified from observations alone. Here, we use previously developed empirical models to simulate the global spatial pattern of burnt area, fire size and fire intensity for modern and Last Glacial Maximum (LGM; ~ 21,000 ka) conditions using both realistic changes in climate and CO<sub>2</sub> and sensitivity experiments to separate their effects. Three different LGM scenarios are used to represent the range of modelled LGM climates. We show large, modelled reductions in burnt area at the LGM compared to the recent period, consistent with the sedimentary charcoal record. This reduction was predominantly driven by the effect of low CO<sub>2</sub> on vegetation productivity. The amplitude of the reduction under low CO<sub>2</sub> conditions was similar regardless of the LGM climate scenario and was not observed in any LGM scenario when only climate effects were considered, with one LGM climate scenario showing increased burning under these conditions. Fire intensity showed a similar sensitivity to CO<sub>2</sub> across different climates but was also sensitive to changes in vapour pressure deficit (VPD). Modelled fire size was reduced under LGM CO<sub>2</sub> in many regions but increased under LGM climates because of changes in wind strength, dryness (DD) and diurnal temperature range (DTR). This increase was offset under the coldest LGM climate in the northern latitudes because of a large reduction in VPD. These results emphasis the fact that the relative magnitudes of changes in different climate variables influence the wildfire regime and that different aspects of climate change can have opposing effects. The importance of CO<sub>2</sub> effects imply that future projections of wildfire must take rising CO<sub>2</sub> into account.

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