
When the entire adeno-associated virus (AAV) genome is inserted into a bacterial plasmid, infectious AAV genomes can be rescued and replicated when the recombinant AAV-plasmid DNA is transfected into human 293 cells together with helper adenovirus particles. We have taken advantage of this experimental system to analyze the effects of several classes of mutations on replication of AAV DNA. We obtained AAV mutants by molecular cloning in bacterial plasmids of naturally occurring AAV variant or defective-interfering genomes. Each of these mutants contains a single internal deletion of AAV coding sequences. Also, some of these mutant-AAV plasmids have additional deletions of one or both AAV terminal palindromes introduced during constructions in vitro. We show here that AAV mutants containing internal deletions were defective for replicative form DNA replication ( rep −) but could be complemented by intact wild-type AAV. This indicates that an AAV replication function, Rep, is required for normal AAV replication. Mutants in which both terminal palindromes were deleted ( ori −) were also replication defective but were not complementable by wild-type AAV. The cis-dominance of the ori − mutation shows that the replication origin is comprised in part of the terminal palindrome. Deletion of only one terminal palindrome was phenotypically wild-type and allowed rescue and replication of AAV genomes in which the deleted region was regenerated apparently by an intramolecular correction mechanism. One model for this correction mechanism is proposed. An AAV ori − mutant also complemented replication of AAV rep − mutants as efficiently as did wild-type AAV. These studies also revealed an unexpected additional property of the deletion mutants in that monomeric single-stranded DNA accumulated very inefficiently even though monomeric single-stranded DNA from the complementing wild-type AAV did accumulate.

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