
Abstract. Recent work has shown that variability in the subtropical jet's (STJ) latitude, ϕSTJ, is not coupled to that of the Hadley cell (HC) edge, ϕHC, but the robustness of this disconnect has not been examined in detail. Here, we use meteorological reanalysis products, comprehensive climate models, and an idealized atmospheric model to determine the necessary processes for a disconnect between ϕHC and ϕSTJ in the Northern Hemisphere's December–January–February season. We find that a decoupling can occur in a dry general circulation model, indicating that large-scale dynamical processes are sufficient to reproduce the metrics' relationship. It is therefore not reliant on explicit variability in the zonal structure, convection, or radiation. Rather, the disconnect requires a sufficiently realistic climatological basic state. Further, we confirm that the robust disconnect between ϕSTJ and ϕHC across the model hierarchy reveals their differing sensitivities to midlatitude eddy momentum fluxes; ϕHC is consistently coupled to the latitude of maximum eddy momentum flux, but ϕSTJ is not.

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