
A two-dimensional (2D) model for a simple fluid mixture, consisting of spherical particles with different diameters that is adsorbed on a disordered porous medium, i.e., in a plane claiming hard discs in a frozen configuration, is studied by means of replica Ornstein–Zernike equations. The hypernetted chain and Percus–Yevick approximations are used. The structural and thermodynamic properties of the composite monomolecular adlayer are addressed, and the density and composition of the monolayer and their dependence on the presence of a disordered quenched 2D matrix in the plane of absorption at a fixed chemical potential is examined. It is shown that porous 2D media exhibit the effect of selectivity. The concentration of the smaller particles is larger on the porous media compared with the bulk phase. The model and methodology can be extended to study phase transitions in 2D partly quenched systems.

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