
The growth and development of various religious tourism objects in several countries in the world, including Indonesia, is a new spiritual excitement that is interesting to study. Although it is acknowledged that religious tourism is not a new phenomenon and has even existed for a long time, its presence as a form of urban spiritualism requires further elaboration. This research examines the presence of a replica of the Kaaba at Majid Agung Palopo City, South Sulawesi which is seen as a form of spiritual awareness. The reason is because this building does not only function as a religious tourism object, but also functions as an educational space for prospective haj and umroh pilgrims. The results of the study show that the replica of the Kaaba serves as a simulation space for the series of Hajj and Umrah pilgrimages, so that when it is carried out in the holy land of Mecca it will run smoothly. Apart from being guided by an experienced team, prospective pilgrims are also provided with facilities in the form of Lontar Jumrah, Tawaf and Sa'i areas. The unique design of this building makes it a religious tourism object which is always crowded with visitors, both residents of the city of Palopo and people who come from other areas

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