
Isovolumetric replacement of euhedral and anhedral olivine by serpentine produced both centripetal and meshwork textures in the CM2 chondrites ALH 81002 and Nogoya. The compositions of these textural varieties of serpentine are uniform within narrow limits within each previously studied meteorite, independent of the composition of olivine being replaced, and different between the two meteorites. In QUE 93005 (CM2), coarse olivines of widely varying compositions (Fo<76–99) are replaced in a texturally similar manner by compositionally uniform serpentine (Mg0.73±0.05Fe0.27±0.05)3Si2O5(OH)4. The narrow compositional range of serpentine replacing coarse olivine indicates that the aqueous solution from which the serpentine formed was compositionally uniform on scales at least as large as the meteorite (∼2.5cm in longest dimension).Isovolumetric textures and compositional observations constrain elemental redistribution from coarse olivine to serpentine and to surrounding phases during serpentinization. Regardless of olivine’s composition, isovolumetric replacement of coarse olivines by serpentine of the observed composition released more Mg and Si from olivine than was required to form the serpentine. Excess Mg and Si released by olivine destruction and not retained in serpentine were exported from the replaced volume.Olivines with different Fa/Fo proportions contributed different amounts of Fe and Mg to the serpentine. Ferroan olivines released more Fe than required to form the serpentines replacing them, so some of the Fe released from ferroan olivine was exported from the replaced volumes. Forsteritic olivines released less Fe than required to form the serpentines replacing them, so some Fe was imported into the replaced volumes augmenting the small amount of Fe released from forsteritic olivine. In QUE 93005 Fo83.8 is the threshold composition between Fe-exporting and Fe-importing behavior in individual olivine–serpentine pairs, which released exactly the amount of Fe required to form serpentine of the observed uniform composition. Compositions of serpentines isovolumetrically replacing olivines, and threshold olivine compositions, in QUE 93005 differ from the corresponding values in Nogoya.Solvent and solute species diffused through the serpentine between the olivine–serpentine interface and the aqueous solution outside the isovolumetrically replaced volume. In QUE 93005, some of the Fe released from ferroan olivine in excess of the amount required to form serpentine reacted with S sourced from outside the pseudomorphs to form Fe-sulfide decorating the margins of the pseudomorphs of serpentine after fayalitic olivine. Such Fe-sulfide-decorated outlines after fayalitic olivine do not occur in ALH 81002 or Nogoya, indicating different Fe and S mass transfer regimes in different CM2 chondrites. Mg, Fe, Si, and S in the aqueous solution, including the excess Mg and Si exported from all serpentine pseudomorphs after olivine of any composition, were available to be incorporated into other phases spatially separate from the pseudomorphs after olivine, including regularly interstratified serpentine–tochilinite. Serpentines that replaced coarse olivines in QUE 93005 and ALH 81002 are less magnesian than those in Nogoya, indicating that the Nogoya aqueous-alteration environment was more evolved toward Mg-rich solutions. This easily located and characterized phase assemblage may be potentially useful for characterizing clasts of varying degrees of alteration in brecciated and heterogeneous CM chondrites, and future returned samples from mineralogically similar asteroids.

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