
A dwarf nova of the WZ Sge-type, EG Cnc, which had a superoutburst in 1996 December after 19 years of dormancy, exhibited, after the end of the main outburst, six repetitive short outbursts with a mean interval of about 7 days. We propose that this rebrightening phenomenon of EG Cnc may have been produced by a thermal disk instability, which could in turn have been caused by a temporal increase in the viscosity at a cold state. We suggest that an increase in viscosity in quiescence could be produced by a highly turbulent state in the disk due to an after-effect of the main outburst. Our numerical simulations based on this model can reproduce very well the observed light curve of EG Cnc. We discuss a possible cause why the WZ Sge-type dwarf novae show post-outburst rebrightening.

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