Power semiconductor devices (MOSFET, IGBT, SIThy, and SOS) have been studied for applications in repetitive pulsed power generation. These switching devices are expected to be used in pulsed high-voltage modulators for accelerators and power supplies for pulsed atmospheric discharges. MOSFET and static-induction thyristor (SIThy) are investigated for their performance in high-voltage modulation at repetition rate on the order of MHz, which is demanded by applications in high-energy particle accelerators. Although the peak voltage and current are not very high (usually a few kV and a few 10s of A respectively), the repetition rate poses fatal problems to the devices due to the thermal effect. The system cooling and waveform control had been the main efforts in this study. IGBT and semiconductor opening switch (SOS) are studied for applications to atmospheric gas discharge, which has become very attractive recently due to its applications in gas-treatment, laser pumping, and sterilization. The electrical circuit scheme is based on inductive energy storage with opening switch, which gives pulsed output high-voltage up to 100 kV for high-impedance load. The study has concentrated on repetition rate and energy efficiency. These developments are joint studies between universities, national laboratories, and industrial companies.
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