
Field investigations, combined with meso- and microstructural analyses, reveal that numerous ultracataclastic veins are widely developed within a fault zone (<150 m wide) as simple veins, complex lenses, and networks, along active faults of the Arima–Takatsuki Tectonic Line, southwest Japan. These veins comprise mainly pseudotachylyte-like vein and weakly consolidated to unconsolidated fault gouge that is black, dark-brown, brown, gray, and brownish-red in color. Meso- and microstructural features show that these pseudotachylyte-like and fault gouge veins and networks formed during multiple stages, as earlier veins are generally cut and overprinted by younger veins, indicating that the vein-forming events occurred repeatedly and that ultracataclastic material was injected into networks of faults and fractures in the fault zone. The pseudotachylyte-like and fault gouge veins are characterized by an ultrafine- to fine-grained matrix and angular to subangular fragments of host granitic rocks of various sizes, ranging from submicron to millimeters. SEM–EDS (Scanning Electronic Microscope-Energy Dispersive X-ray) and powder X-ray diffraction analyses show that all the ultracataclastic veins are characterized by crystalline materials composed mainly of quartz and feldspar, similar to the host granitic rocks.The present results support the existing hypothesis that ultrafine- to fine-grained materials formed by comminution can be fluidized and injected rapidly into fracture networks located far from the source fault plane in a solid–fluid–gas system during seismic slip; therefore, such materials provide a record of paleoseismic faulting events that occurred repeatedly within the seismogenic fault zone.

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