
The comparative experimental study of osseous tissue regeneration in the createdforaminous mandibular defects being implanted with bioceramics Kergap T-300 and osteoplastic material Osteopor, as well as justifying the possibility ofusing the developed reparative material in the maxillofacial surgery clinics based on the analysis ofhistomorphological research results for are the paper objectives. 78 nonlinearwhite male rats weighing 240-300 g withforaminous mandibular defects were used as models for studying impact on the reparative osteogenesis processes made by the bonegraft material. Reparative changes in the implantation sites were studied in real time with the help of histological drugs under the optical microscopy. The graft components were the morphometry object calculated at the percentage ratio per the graft space unit in three cuts from each section. In 27.7% cases the rats'mandibular defects repair under the natural environment conditions of osseous tissue regeneration achieved with a blood clot was complicated by purulence, the surgical wound dehiscence with pyorrhea or perimandibular abscess. In other cases regeneration caused the development of heterogeneous graft made of chondroid-fibroblastic and osteoid tissues of different organization levels. The comparative experimental morphological and histomorphometric studies of the bone regeneration involving the replacement of created jaw defects with osteoplastic material Kergap-T alone and- in the combination with the lyophilized biological placenta implant Osteopor proved that the latter speeded up the beginning of active regenerative processes promoting the early defect filling with the neogenic organotypic osseous tissue comprising 52(43-63)[46-58]% and 74(57-85)[64-79]% of the bone graft in 60 and 90 days after the surgical intervention correspondingly (being equal to 24(13-29)[20-28]% i 32(27-38)[30-34]% correspondingly in cases when Kergap-Twas applied. According to the morphometric researchfindings, in cases of Osteopor and Kergap-T application the tabular bone element ofthe graft was equal to 53 (43-60) [46-561% and 15(13-18) [14-16]% correspondingly.

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