
The purpose of the article is to consider the methodological aspects of training music teachers in the class of a vocal ensemble. thanks to which they acquire skills and abilities that are logically correlated with vocal and pedagogical, choir tasks. It is emphasized that the main and specific component of his professional competence is primarily the ability to perform music, including vocal, which is the basis of his work on the musical development of members of a vocal ensemble or choir. The task is to reveal the main methodological aspects that are important in the process of ensemble performance, in particular, to achieve coherence, the balance of all components, harmonious sound of parts, individual vocalists, the whole group while singing. The methodology of the article is theoretical methods of analysis and synthesis, which characterize the main components of the role of each type of ensemble (intonation, metrorhythmic, diction), their organic combination, revealed the features of individual types of ensemble, the role and significance of each. It is noted that the pop vocal ensemble has specific features that characterize it as a kind of modern musical performance. He represents a new style in popular music, new forms of collective vocal performance (female, male, mixed; vocal-instrumental ensembles, rock bands, and pop groups, etc.). The scientific novelty of the work is the focus on the methods of working with a vocal group that seeks to develop their own, individual manner of performance. Conclusions. The rapid development of pop vocal performance, solo, and the ensemble has contributed to the fact that in recent decades in Ukraine has expanded the network of higher educational institutions for music and pedagogical training in "specialty singing", which provides the possibility of their professional activities as performers in vocal ensembles and, at the same time, as leaders of such collectives. and this requires proper methodological support of the educational process in institutions of higher professional education.


  • Рreparation of lectures on musical arts in the class of vocal ensemble The purpose of the article is to consider the methodological aspects of training music teachers in the class of a vocal ensemble. thanks to which they acquire skills and abilities that are logically correlated with vocal and pedagogical, choir tasks

  • It is emphasized that the main and specific component of his professional competence is primarily the ability to perform music, including vocal, which is the basis of his work on the musical development of members of a vocal ensemble or choir

  • It is noted that the pop vocal ensemble has specific features that characterize it as a kind of modern musical performance

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В. Підготовка викладачів музичного мистецтва у класі вокального ансамблю. Мета роботи — розглянути методичні аспекти підготовки викладачів музичного мистецтва у класі вокального ансамблю, завдяки якому вони набувають умінь і навичок, що логічно співвідносяться з вокальними і педагогічними, хормейстерськими завданнями їх професійної діяльності. Наголошено, що головною і специфічною складовою фахової компетентності є, передусім, здатність до музично-виконавської діяльності, зокрема вокальної, яка становить основу роботи з музичного розвитку учасників вокального ансамблю чи хорового колективу. It is emphasized that the main and specific component of his professional competence is primarily the ability to perform music, including vocal, which is the basis of his work on the musical development of members of a vocal ensemble or choir. It is noted that the pop vocal ensemble has specific features that characterize it as a kind of modern musical performance. The scientific novelty of the work is the focus on the methods of working with a vocal group that seeks to develop their own, individual manner of performance

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