
Rep protein as a helicase combines its actions with those of gene A protein and single-stranded DNA binding protein to separate the strands of phi X174 duplex DNA and thereby can generate and advance a replication fork (Scott, J. F., Eisenberg, S., Bertsch, L. L., and Kornberg, A. (1977) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 74, 193-197). Tritium-labeled rep protein is bound in an active gene A protein. phi X174 closed circular duplex supercoiled DNA complex in a 1:1 ratio. Catalytic separation of the strands of the duplex by rep protein, as measured by incorporation of tritium-labeled single-stranded DNA binding protein, requires ATP at a Km value of 8 microM, and hydrolyzes two molecules of ATP for every base pair melted. When coupled to replication in the synthesis of single-strand viral circles, a "looped" rolling-circle intermediate is formed that can be isolated in an active form containing gene A protein, rep protein, single-stranded DNA binding protein, and DNA polymerase III holoenzyme. Unlike the binding of rep protein to single-stranded DNA, where its ATPase activity is distributive, binding to the replicating fork is not affected by ATP, further suggesting a processive action linked to gene A protein. Limited tryptic hydrolysis of rep protein abolishes its replicative activity without affecting significantly its binding of ATP and its ATPase action on single-stranded DNA. These results augment earlier findings by describing the larger role of rep proteins as a helicase, linked in a complex ith other proteins, at the replication fork of a duplex DNA.

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