
At the XVIIIth General Assembly in Lima,Peru, last August, a decision was made to redirectthe emphasis of the Union and to reorganize theCommission structure. This represents the culmina‐tion of efforts to correct the organizational problemsbrought about by the considerable activity withinURSI in the field of geophysics. At the XVIIthGeneral Assembly in Warsaw, Poland, in 1972,consideration was given to moving in the directionof a closer association with the International Asso‐ciation of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA),a part of the International Union of Geodesy andGeophysics, in the expectation that this wouldprovide a single organizational home for interna‐tional interests in solar‐terrestrial physics. How‐ever, this move was resoundingly rejected by theURSI Council; clearly it was desired that URSIretain its separate identity and its emphasis on radioscience.

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