
We study the model of a supercooled liquid for which the equation of motion for the coarse-grained density ρ(x,t) is the nonlinear diffusion equation originally proposed by Dean and Kawasaki, respectively, for Brownian and Newtonian dynamics of fluid particles. Using a Martin-Siggia-Rose (MSR) field theory we study the renormalization of the dynamics in a self-consistent form in terms of the so-called self-energy matrix Σ. The appropriate model for the renormalized dynamics involves an extended set of field variables {ρ,θ}, linked through a nonlinear constraint. The latter incorporates, in a nonperturbative manner, the effects of an infinite number of density nonlinearities in the dynamics. We show that the contributing element of Σ which renormalizes the bare diffusion constant D(0) to D(R) is same as that proposed by Kawasaki and Miyazima [Z. Phys. B Condens. Matter 103, 423 (1997)]. D(R) sharply decreases with increasing density. We consider the likelihood of a ergodic-nonergodic (ENE) transition in the model beyond a critical point. The transition is characterized by the long-time limit of the density correlation freezing at a nonzero value. From our analysis we identify an element of Σ which arises from the above-mentioned nonlinear constraint and is key to the viability of the ENE transition. If this self-energy would be zero, then the model supports a sharp ENE transition with D(R)=0 as predicted by Kawasaki and Miyazima. With the full model having nonzero value for this self-energy, the density autocorrelation function decays to zero in the long-time limit. Hence the ENE transition is not supported in the model.

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