
We shall consider the two-dimensional quantum chromodynamics (QCD) modeFl, 2l in which massive quarks interact via SU(N) color gauge fields, calculate the coefficient functions of the renormalization group equation (R.G.E.) up to order 1/N based on the 1/N expansion,3l and show how Green's functions change as we scale all momenta uniformly. The calculations are performed by using the light-cone coordinate and light-like gauge A_'=O. The infrared singularity of the gluon propagator is treated by the principal value cutoff prescription4l throughout this work. We calculate the unrenormalized gluon propagator iD' (q), the quark-antiquarkgluon vertex ig 0r _ (P, P'), and the quark self-energy ~ (P), up to order 1/ N, from the diagrams represented in Figs. 1 ''--'3 respectively.

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