
Implementing the Wilsonian renormalization group (RG) transformation in a nonperturbative way, we construct an effective holographic dual description with an emergent extradimension identified with an RG scale. Taking the large$-N$ limit, we obtain an equation of motion of an order-parameter field, here the chiral condensate for our explicit demonstration. In particular, an intertwined structure manifests between the first-order RG flow equations of renormalized coupling functions and the second-order differential equation of the order-parameter field, thus referred to as a nonperturbative RG-improved mean-field theory. Assuming translational symmetry as a vacuum state, we solve these nonlinear coupled mean-field equations based on a matching method between UV- and IR-regional solutions. As a result, we find an RG flow from a weakly-coupled chiral-symmetric UV fixed point to a strongly-correlated chiral-symmetry broken IR fixed point, where the renormalized velocity of Dirac fermions vanishes most rapidly and effective quantum mechanics appears at IR. Furthermore, we translate these RG flows of coupling functions into those of emergent metric tensors and extract out geometrical properties of the emergent holographic spacetime constructed from the UV- and IR-regional solutions. Surprisingly, we obtain the volume law of entanglement entropy in the Ryu-Takayanagi formula, which implies appearance of a black hole type solution in the limit of infinite cutoff even at zero temperature. We critically discuss our field theoretic interpretation for this solution in terms of potentially gapless multi-particle excitation spectra.

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