
To take full advantage of experimental facilities such as FRIB for applications to nuclear astrophysics, nuclear structure, and explorations of neutrinos and fundamental symmetries, we need a better understanding of the interplay of reaction and structure theory. The renormalization group (RG) is the natural tool for maintaining a consistent treatment of reaction and structure. Here we make a first study of RG for optical potentials, which are important ingredients for direct reactions. To simplify the analysis, we use a pedagogical one-dimensional model and evolve toward low RG resolution using the similarity RG (or SRG). We show how SRG decoupling at low resolution carries over to the optical potential and enhances perturbative approximations, and how induced SRG nonlocality compares to the nonlocality of the optical potential. We discuss the results in the larger context of consistent SRG evolution of operators and wave functions in the analysis of direct reactions.

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